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Fire drill

Milehertz provides training and drills for employees on production safety every quarter. Safety and quality are our primary goals.

Milehertz not only pays attention to production efficiency and product quality but also pays more attention to the safety of employees working environment and 

personal safety awareness. At Milehertz, we conduct comprehensive safety training programs every quarter, which are tailored to specific production processes, potential hazards, and appropriate safety protocols. Employees are trained to identify potential hazards in their work areas and understand the associated risks. This allows them to take precautions and avoid accidents.

During fire drills, we provide employees with appropriate personal protective equipment, such as safety glasses, gloves, and respirators, based on their specific circumstances. We require everyone to be familiar with evacuation routes and procedures, practice using fire extinguishers, etc. In addition, we conduct regular drills beyond fire safety, covering a variety of emergencies. This includes simulating chemical spills, power outages, and medical emergencies.

At Milehertz, we integrate fire drills with wider safety initiatives. We provide our employees with the knowledge and skills they need to deal with a variety of potential hazards, helping everyone develop the ability to deal with safety incidents.